Abhishek Anand
3 min readJan 16, 2022

Books are known to be the best source of knowledge since the beginning of the world, whether on the professional front or in academics or life. It is very good to have a reading habit. You must have seen so many influencers/ people advising you to read books and my opinion is also the same. I, myself am an avid reader, and reading books makes me happy.

So, why this title — “DO NOT READ BOOKS”.

In the recent past, book reading as a hobby has shot up abruptly and I was very galvanized at the start of this trend. However, as time progresses, this book reading trend starts to take an unexpected turn. As, I have observed, through various social media sites, the hobby has taken up a fierce competition of who is reading more books and it was very shocking and sad for me as a book reader.

Every book leaves an impact on the reader’s mind. There are so many great things to be learned from these and imply in our lives. In my opinion, implying what we have learned in our lives is much more important and appropriate than just counting how many books you have read in a year or a month.

Now, the question arises what type of books should one read?

And again, there is no specific answer to this question. There are so many genres around, just pick up and start reading. As Naval, a famous Indian -American entrepreneur said, “If you are asking for any recommendation, you are not serious about it in the first place”. There is no hard and fast rule that one should only read non-fiction or self-help books. Even the fantasies have a lot to teach and in a fun manner. This doesn’t mean that self-help books are bad. Even, in autobiographies and biographies, people share their mistakes and experiences, from which we can learn and use them in our lives.

There are only a few cases, where you are given choose without any obstruction. Take the opportunity and read whatever you want. Also, it is perfectly okay, to stop in between if you are not able to get into the story. It is as much the book’s responsibility to hold your attention as it is your responsibility to give the book your attention.

How and when to read books?

The when depends on the person itself. It could be morning, just after waking up. It can be at night, just before bed. It could be during lunchtime. You read books because it makes you happy, it gives you the freedom to take a different perspective, it makes you calm, not because you are a slave to it, right?

I prefer mostly during the night, just before bedtime, since it keeps me away from the screen before sleeping.

Coming on the how- Instead of setting a target of finishing ‘X’ number of books, keep a slot for reading time, maybe 10 mins, 20 mins, or whatever you prefer, you will surely develop a reading habit and try to do it consistently. You will gradually know, what type of books grab your attention, how much you can read in one go. It is just a matter of starting things, everyone can figure things out.

Also, there is a famous quote, “Taking the first step is the hardest part.”

As I mentioned earlier, reading books is only one part. Taking the lessons and experiences and applying them in your life is the next and more difficult part. Also, we have to keep in mind, that the situation we will face in real life is going to be very different from what we have read and learned. Implying them accordingly, so that the problems can be addressed in the best way is what we should focus on. It can only happen if we are ready to take on challenges.

Also, it is not a protocol that one should read daily. You can take a break. There is no harm. It is difficult to keep everything on schedule considering how busy and stressful, life is, in the present era.

As Hermione said to Harry, “Books ! and cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery.”

I would conclude with the following points-

  • Focus on building habits.
  • Try to implement what you have learned from books in your life.
  • Take up real challenges
  • Try to be consistent.

Have a good week!



Abhishek Anand

I am an avid reader. My interests are slowly moving towards storytelling and blogging and, I am enjoying the process of learning them.